B.I.G. – Business International Growth – Project is supported by a strong and relevant team of international partners that are expression of different clusters of stakeholders and come from 5 EU Countries (Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Poland and Spain).
The Chamber of Commerce system is represented by the Chamber of Commerce of Marche (Lead Partner), the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Thessaloniki and the Polish Chamber of Commerce of Importers, Exporters and Cooperation.
The training and consultancy cluster is composed by CONFORM (Italy), FEI – Formacion y Education Integral (Spain), AKMI – Anonymous Educational Organisation (Greece) and GZS – CPU, a Slovenian Institute of Education created by the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia.
The Academic system collects Università Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona, Italy) and Poznan University of Economic and Business.
On the enterprise side there is ASECOM, a Spanish based Association of Fashion Companies, while local authorities are represented by the Slovenian BSC – Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska.