Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy)

Trainers will conduct Action Learning Sessions to the project target group made of 80 selected workers in the 5 partner countries teaching the techniques to elaborate a narrative text that could be used in the design, scripting and interpretating sketch-coms in typical situation of Conversational Digital Marketing relationship.
Sketch-coms are realistic simulations of direct relationships with potential consumers and they could be useful to adapt interpersonal digital communication techniques to different socio-economic contexts, to apply problem solving and decision making techniques to overcome problems linked to the heterogeneity of customers needs or expectations.


  1. Provision of action learning session: definition of the methods, training sessions to 80 almost 80 workers coming from all the 5 countries partners.
  2. Production of the sketch-coms: shooting, selection of images and music, graphic editing, assembly and production of sketch-com from each national group and translation in English for subtitles.